NDCLytec Medical 2005 Training

(We also offer excellent training over the phone/modem/internet)

"Getting Started" Interactive Training CD

Version 1.0 - Disk Space Requirements: 227 MB
There are several lessons in this training module which will guide you through the installation and set up of NDCLytec Medical on your computer system. If you are an established NDCLytec user, you will be guided through an overview of NDCLytec's latest products features so that you can gain a better understanding of the new things that NDCLytec has to offer. Click Here For Pricing Information.

1. Introduction
Meet the instructor as he presents an overview of NDCLytec Systems and the "Getting Started" training CD.

2. Single User Installation
If you have a single computer in your office, you will learn how to install NDCLytec on your computer and how to create your initial files.

3. Multi User Installation
If you have a peer-to-peer network in your office, you will learn how to install NDCLytec on your server and workstations. You will also learn how to create your initial database files that can be shared across your network. This training CD does not include instruction on how to install NDCLytec Medical Client/Server.

4. Upgrade to NDCLytec Medical XE
If you are upgrading from a prior version of NDCLytec Medical, you will learn how to upgrade your database to NDCLytec Medical XE. Instructions include how to upgrade your database from NDCLytec 98, NDCLytec 2000 or NDCLytec 2001. If you are upgrading from a NDCLytec version earlier than NDCLytec 98, you will need to contact NDCLytec support for further instruction.

5. New Features
If you are an established NDCLytec user, you will be presented with the new features that are now available in NDCLytec Medical XE. The "New Features" course is not intended to provide you with detailed instruction on each new feature but rather an overview of each feature so that you are aware of NDCLytec's new capabilities. You will be referred to specific courses throughout the interactive training suite for detailed instructions on NDCLytec's new features.

6. Setup Database Information
This course will show you how to set up and maintain the following information in NDCLytec: Practice Information, Preferences, User Types, Users/Security Profiles, User Preferences, Audit Trail, Default Patient, Graphics Categories, Fee Schedule Names, Statement Messages, Providers, Insurance Companies, Procedure Codes & Transaction Codes, Diagnosis Codes, Hold Codes, Addresses, Laboratories, Place of Service Codes, Patient Codes and Patient Types



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